Basic art materials to start

Painting drawn with ink and stick

How many materials an artist needs?

People have a preference for specific colors. Even if you buy a set of hundreds of colors after a month of regular use you will notice 5-6 colors are finished. So why not buy those most used ones only.

Another truth about colors is just getting more on mixing basic ones. During fine art lessons many tasks on mixing colors are usually given. Students have to generate over 20 colors out of 3-4 basic ones.

Talking about other tools you can actually use many things around as art materials. You can paint even without a brush. The image above is drawn with ink and stick.

You can use old plastic credit or discount card instead of pallete knive.

Posters can be made of masking type and sponge.

You can see other example in my post on workshop made with paper, scissors, 2 acrylic paints colors, thred and sponge:

Minimal art materials set.

So, summariznig all it up I recomend: whatman whatman, not too hard pencil, 3-4 colors of your favorite paint.

And the main idea is not to use eraser at all, beacause academic artist uses didactic approach at work.

Keep positive and try look at objects around in other way, - you will find a lot of helpful stuff.


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