7 impediments to overcome becoming an artist

After long painfull thoughts to put some conclusions to text I finally giving hints for starting artists: 

1. Put everything in context

It difficult to find a person who can't draw some things in a really attractive way. From my observations even many drawing masterclasses promote welldrawn standalone things as final result. But if you look precisely at real designers and artists artworks you will notice that most of them become so loved because they cooperate with context brilliantly. 

2. Feal comfortable drawing on big paper sizes

Back to previous point nobody can percept well small faded drawing hanging on the wall. The distance people see paintings on walls or books on the shelves is too long and it makes tension to catch a message of a subtly drawn picture on a papersheet from notepad. Same for other side - it takes more tension for artist to transform to miniature real size object as well. Looks like doing double more work for double less result.

3. Do not hesitate to draw on public

Thinking through drawing. Most of people are visuals in most cases starting to draw can give an answer on problems. The only way to make continuos draw as a habit is to get comfortable with drawing outside in any public place.   

4. Be ready to walk around the city carrying A1 size album

As the consiquence of previous two points the next challenge is to be ok with carrying huge things wherever you go. Sometimes place of living is far from artclasses location so it must be a norm to strugle in public transport with big dimetional things.

5. Do not get in detailed drawing while all sheet filled with spots defining oveeall composition and shades

Well, no mention about drawing so far. The most important thing I've tought in drawing school is a didactic approach. From common to specific. As result you have a finished at some extent work at any moment. Sometimes you have years to complete something, sometimes you must finish in two hours. Any moment you are delivering work express overall idea and recepiect have a vision on whats going on. 

6. Perspective drawing from heart

Any artwork must be free of perspective mistakes in it. Perspective mistakes are very eyecatchy and affects dramatically on perception.

7. Change mind on drawing toolset

One one side art materials are more expensive than amator staff, but knoledge how to mix colours. Inkpainting with simple stick. No eraser because of deductic approach :). So in most cases to getting more with less, so you probably can afford what left. 

You also can read tips about materials set more detailed in my later article https://lentochko.blogspot.com/2023/03/basic-art-materials-to-start.html


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