Drawing roadmap. Part 1: Setup

Planets illustration, Adobe flash

Setting up the goal.

    It can sound like reverse engineering :). Let's define what are the final objectives of getting a new skill or sharping one you already have. References of works that made you motivated to start you learning roadmap should be taken into accout as much as possible. So, here is the start point: take a reference picture and simply duplicate it. If you afraid that it can take enormouse amount of time just set a limit to 45 min or 1,5 hours and then you can compare yor artwork with reference, define what things didn't go well and make a check list.

Setting up the goal.

    Set time to be commited per week. (on some marathons frequence can be set even per day). Try to think what pretext can be appear at planned time to give up drawing session and specify prevention procedures for that.

Keep materials in accessible place.

    Make materials to be prepared and keep them in accessible place while it become a habit. If you wonder, what is the minimal material set and quality is enough not to cause extra expences follow next schema: 

Check next parts:


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